


12,00 €

The Americas. A Quaterly Review of Inter - American Cultura History. Volume XV, Number 1, July 1958. (Anthony Tudisco: America in some travellers, historians and political economists of the Spanish Eighteenth Century; Frank Otto Gatell: The Canal in retrospect. Some Panamanian and Colombian views; S. Samuel Trifilo: Buenos Aires as seen by british travellers, 1810 - 1860; Heinrich Berlin: Edición de documentos de 1584 y 1585 sobre al Altar Mayor de Huejotzingo , entre otros estudios).

Washington, D.C., Academy of American Franciscan History, 1958.

4to. alargado; 104 pp.

Cubiertas originales.

Americana - Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay - Colombia - History of Ideas - Historiography and Sources - Mexico - Panama - Reviews & Magazines - Travel